Thursday, August 11, 2016

Small/Start-Up Business Strategy Presentation... Strategic Marketing B4 You Invest!!!

A vast majority of our clients have come to Tangerine Strategies after experiencing disappointing results from working with web developers, social marketing and various creative marketing agencies. Often, our clients admit to not having clearly developed Business Plans or Market Strategies...

After giving a presentation on the benefits of Strategic Marketing at a past Loral Langemeier LBT Big-Table session, not only did several clients sign on with Tangerine Strategies, but we were asked to give the presentation again at an alumni members conference in Scottsdale, AZ. This timeless "Presentation On Strategic Marketing" provides a convincing argument for why EVERY start-up or existing business (large or small) should develop a clearly defined market strategy and integrate marketing tactics BEFORE investing further.

Please feel free to view this presentation, and if I can help answer any questions about marketing strategy and tactics in your business, feel free to contact me at


Nigel Wenden said...

Great presentation provides an easy to understand focused approach for the critical first steps as well as a strategic platform for on going growth.