This strategy is a continuation of a previous Blog on the same topic...
After analyzing, profiling and organizing your customer's purchasing behaviors into groups (or segments), you should be able to identify those that have been "more" and "less" active during the last 12 - 24 months of this recession. List your better performing customers and then describe

You will now want to do a little Internet research about these particular markets relative to their resilience during the recession thus far. And even though some markets are beginning to return, those represented by your more active customers should standout as better performers during the recovery.
It's likely that you will have spotted 1, 2 or more resilient niche markets or segments from some hidden activity within your customer base. You are now ready do a little more research to size and value the these markets relative to your business' offering. Targeting and growing sales within these newly defined segments will allow you to create a "hedge" against either a double-dip or a cooling off period in the economy.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions what so ever.
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